Employment Law Briefing Special Edition: New Legal Framework regarding the increase of the statutory minimum salary and daily wage as of 1 April 2024

Our Employment Law Briefing Special Edition, provides an overview of recent developments in employment legislation, including:

A.    Introduction 
B.    New Legal Framework

A.    Introduction 
1.    According to Ministerial Decision no. 25058/2024 issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (the Ministry), the statutory minimum salary and daily wage has been increased from 1 April 2024 for employees and workers.
2.    The percentage of the increase has been determined based on inflation, budget and the trajectory of the Greek economy.
3.    The purpose of the increase is to support Greek households and to keep the Greek economy at a competitive level.
4.    Article 103 of Law 4172/2023 stipulates that individual and collective labor agreements of any kind may not set monthly salaries or wages for full-time employees and workers that are lower than the statutory minimum salary or wage, or the corresponding proportion for part-time employment contracts.

B.    New Legal Framework
1.    According to the Ministry, cumulative inflation from 2019 to 2023 is 16.6% and the respective increase in the minimum wage during this period amounts to 28%.
2.    The new gross minimum statutory salary and wage is:

Statutory Minimum Salary


Statutory Minimum Daily Wage


3.    The statutory salary in cases of previous service is outlined in the table below:

Statutory Minimum Salary

3-6 years

6-9 years

9+ years

On a 14-month basis




4.    Certain special and social allowances calculated on the basis of the statutory salary and wage are also increased, most notably including maternity allowance, unemployment allowance, special allowance for vulnerable groups and special allowance for seasonal employment.

Download our Employment Law Briefing Special Edition: New Legal Framework regarding the increase of the statutory minimum salary and daily wage as of 1 April 2024.


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