Public Procurement

We have a tradition of involvement in major tenders and of contributing to the formation of the legislation governing public procurement and provide a specialised, end-to-end service to tendering bodies, participants, overseas and locally based companies, joint ventures, financing institutions and the State.

Our expertise extends to procurements in key industries such as infrastructure, pharmaceuticals, transport, defence and telecoms at a State and local government level.

Running and Responding to Tenders
We advise companies on responding to and evaluating tenders, compliance with procedural rules and specifications, legislative and regulatory requirements, bid submission tactics and strategies, drafting submissions and negotiation of terms. Tendering authorities rely on us to assist them in structuring, documenting, running and managing of tenders and procurement contracts and the procedures to use. We also advise on the EU and national legislative and regulatory framework governing public procurement and the assignment of funds granted by European institutions to public projects.
Challenges and Disputes
When tender procedures or procurement contracts are challenged, we work closely with the Administrative litigation team to provide a cross-practice expertise in resolving resulting disputes.
Recent Experience
Recovery and Resilience Facility Agency
We are advising the Recovery and Resilience Facility Agency, an independent Public Service of the Ministry of Finance, which constitutes the lead national body tasked with the overall coordination and monitoring of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan in relation to legal monitoring of the tender documents and tendering procedures including ex-ante controls for works, supplies, services and activities that will be financed by the RRF and which fall under the competence of the Ministries of Finance, Infrastructure and Transport, Maritime Affairs, Civil Protection and Health.
Drafting Committee for the Greek Procurement Law
We assisted the Hellenic Republic and were part of the Drafting Committee for the amendment of Law 4412/2016 for Public Works, Supplies and Services Contracts (adaptation to Directives 2014/24/EU and 2014/25/EU).
Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS) Public Private Partnerships
We advised the Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS) of the European Commission and the General Secretariat for PPPs of the Ministry of Development and Investments, in relation to the project for the supporting of public private partnerships in Greece, including preparation of guidance tools for the tender authorities and of standardised tender documents for the development of school units.
Ministerial Park PPP
We act for the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development in connection with the design, construction, finance, operation and maintenance of a Ministerial Park which will be developed in an abandoned industrial complex to accommodate 9 Ministries in new and existing building, through a Private Public Partnership.
University of Thessaly Student Accommodation
We act for the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development in connection with the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of the student accommodation facility of the University of Thessaly.
Advice to Multinational Technology Group in Tender Procedures
We are advising a leading international technology group and its Spanish and Greek subsidiaries in an ongoing basis in relation to their participation in tenders including assisting in precontractual and implementation phases.
Standard Model Contracts
We are advising a leading energy Group in Greece, on the reform of their standard model contracts, their terms and conditions and their model Invitation/Call for Tenders that apply for tender procedures and procurement projects.
Procurement Contracts in the Energy Sector
We advise an energy company on an ongoing basis in tender procedures, precontractual and implementation phase. Within this context we reviewed and amended their standard third-party supplier contract templates. We also represented them in relation to their disengagement from public procurement tenders and public contracts.
Concession of 14 Regional Airports
We advised Intrakat in their entry into two EPC (engineering, planning and construction) agreements, with a total value of €357m, with Fraport Greece for the implementation of construction studies and works at 14 regional airports on the mainland and islands. Under a 40-year concession, Fraport Greece will undertake the management, operation, upgrade and maintenance of the airports. This is the first time in the history of Greek concessions that the contractor is neither a sponsor nor an entity affiliated with the concessionaire, making this a tripartite negotiation involving entities with distinct and divergent interests.
Athens International Airport Tender for Airport Rights
We advised a ground handling company in their participation in a tender launched by the Athens International Airport SA for the award of airport rights related to the provision of baggage and ramp handling services through a 7year term contract.
Independent Power Transmission Operator Tender
We advised a multinational technology company in relation to the Ariadne Interconnection Tender for the Crete - Attica HVDC Interconnection project relating to the engineering, procurement and installation of two converter stations for the Electrical Interconnection Crete and Attica.
Ariadne Interconnection Tender
We advised a multinational technology company in relation to the Ariadne Interconnection Tender for the Crete - Attica HVDC Interconnection project relating to the engineering, procurement and installation of two converter stations for the Electrical Interconnection Crete and Attica.
Crete - Attica HVDC Interconnection Project Contract Performance
We advised an international law firm in relation to queries raised during the performance of the contract executed in the context of the Ariadne Interconnection Tender for the Crete - Attica HVDC Interconnection project relating to the Engineering, Procurement, Cable Installation and Electrode Stations for the Electrical Interconnection Crete and Attica.